Is Your Car Kosher?

This sign perplexed me and made me smile, chuckle even, one sunny afternoon this week, when I pondered what could possibly make a car wash kosher. I have a pretty good working knowledge of things Jewish, being a New Yorker and having many friends from whom to seek guidance, plus both my children went to a Jewish preschool. So, by default, we inherited token Jewish status for the duration.

I did seek guidance on this one. I asked three Jewish friends what could possibly be meant by the sign, planted outside a car wash on Fourth Ave. near 1st Street in Brooklyn. And I came up with nada. Since the place doesn’t sell food, neither enlightened friend could think of any reason a car wash could guarantee a kosher vehicle. One friend suggested perhaps the workers expertly remove any trace of leavened food product from a vehicle in time for Passover, but that was a stab in the dark, to be sure.

I’ve yet to wander inside and ask the Golden Touch folks what the sign means, but I will, and I promise to report back. Meantime, it still gives me a chuckle whenever I pass by.

6 thoughts on “Is Your Car Kosher?”

  1. Have been thinking about the “Kosher” car wash description. The word “kosher” is a slang term used in Australia to describe something that is honourable or legal or honest. How that equates to a car wash may infer that you will get a very good job done on your car. Just a thought!!!!!

  2. You are absolutely right; an Israeli friend made the same suggestion but the sign is worded strangely. Wouldn’t it be “We do a kosher job” or such, rather than guaranteeing a kosher car …who knows? Still makes me laugh

  3. Now that I see the exact wording on the sign I do think the Passover thing may be a possibility. When your house is clean for Passover it is considered “kosher” and you do have to get your car cleaned for the holiday. I think you will need to make a visit to the Golden Touch car wash very soon.

  4. Bingo, Ilana is the winner. The car wash is basically pledging to get your car super clean in time for the Passover celebrations, which typically require a manic spring cleaning and removal of all leavening agents from home, car etc. So, get in the car and head over to 4th Ave. if your want a Kosher car this holiday ..

  5. I was just there, actually, and was wondering the same thing! I still don’t know the significance of a “kosher” car, hence my googling said term and ending up on your blog. But I can confirm that it’s Passover related. There were posters in Hebrew and English inside promoting the concept of getting your car clean for “Pesach.” I’ve been in NYC 10 years, and like you, feel like I’ve absorbed a lot of Jewish cultural nuances, but this is for sure a new one.

    1. Thanks for reading! I just skipped over to your blog too and love the piece on the guy riding the N train with a sketchbook. I take that train some mornings too and often have similar musings …

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